About Nancy F Clark
Let me introduce myself. I’m Nancy Clark, the founder of this website. I was Director of Forbes WomensMedia for 8 years. I’m happy to say that I’m also the author of a bestselling book, The Positive Journal.
I come from a scientific background. I studied physics at Berkeley. My first job was in rocket science at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Then I had a career as a computer systems analyst at the University of California. I was usually the only woman in a department of techie men. I thought that would quickly equal out…but I’m still waiting.
While I’ve been working and waiting, I’ve also been invited to speak at the Pentagon, the National Science Foundation, the International Monetary Fund, and quite a few other places.
30 years ago, still being only a logical left-brain thinker, I started reading about Edgar Cayce. Fascinated, I learned that he was able to come up with accurate medical solutions for people…without a medical background. solutions that are still relevant today. “Wow,” I thought, “that could save doctors and scientists a lot of time.” However, I doubted they would be interested in what they would consider this “ridiculous” field of study.
For 30 years I’ve hesitated to tell others about my fascinating research obsession–channeling– because I didn’t want to hear “That’s ridiculous!” Now, I don’t care about that reaction. My focus today is to serve fellow open-minded people—and there are many quickly coming onboard—by helping save 30 years of their time!

About My Courses
In my courses, I present information that I feel is important for you to know now. These courses also include messages for you from the channelers I trust to be the best in the world. Plus, I include scientific information that is related to these messages—in case your left brain, like mine, keeps tapping you on the shoulder. I may mention fun physics terms like entanglement and nonlocality. Don’t worry, I’ll explain them and tell you about the experiments that have scientifically proven them.
I’ve researched hundreds of channelers to find those whom I trust, and I’ve put together information on various topics that I think are important for us to know right away. Things that will improve our lives.
I remember hearing professors I was working with saying that Dr. Richard Feynman was Ridiculous because he had some unusual ideas about quantum electrodynamics. Later, when he won the Nobel prize in physics, these same professors said that all his ideas were Obvious. Since then, people I trust, scientists and NASA astronauts, have talked about things that many people today would consider Ridiculous.
So we often go from That’s Ridiculous to That’s Obvious—wasting time. If you have an open mind, my goal is to help you improve your life and save you all that time!
Channeling can only be understood if you look at it as information coming from a dimension beyond our 3-dimensional reality. I consider channeling as receiving messages from a quantum or higher dimension.
Do you want to hear about one of the “used to be ridiculous” topics channelers speak about? They often speak about how your frequency, your emotions, attract situations—yep, the Law Of Attraction. This includes synchronicities which are often amazing and helpful coincidences.
If you’re open-minded and can visualize or imagine how great you’ll feel with a glowing, positive transformation using channeled wisdom—then you’re in the right place!
I’ll give you information that I feel is important for you to know now and I’ll include messages for you from the channelers I trust to be the best in the world. Plus I include scientific information that is related to these messages—in case your left brain, like mine, keeps tapping you on the shoulder. I may mention fun physics terms like entanglement and nonlocality. Don’t worry, I’ll explain them and tell you about the experiments that have scientifically proven them. Really.
Are you interested in improving your life and letting me save you a lot of time?
I have a Free lesson for you about why you might be drawn to this topic now and how it can rapidly help you improve and transform your life.
Are you curious?
Well then…let’s go!
And I always like Bonuses. So what I’m going to do is send you a channeled message each week to help you continue improving your life. And each week’s message will be from a different channeler. So, you’re right, you’ll be learning about 52 different channelers.
Are you curious?
Well then, let’s go!