Channeling involves individuals who communicate with other realms or dimensions. I call this “Beyond 3D“. These “beings”, often described as higher consciousness, spiritual guides, or even non-physical entities, transmit wisdom, advice, and sometimes predictions through a human medium, or “channeler.”

Over time, many channelers have gained significant recognition for their work, such as Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts, and Esther Hicks. Their methods and the entities they channel differ, yet I believe their main goal remains the same: to provide spiritual insights and guidance.

Types of Channeling

Channeling exists in several forms, and each type reflects different levels of control the person exercises over their communication with Beyond 3D beings. The two main types of channeling are conscious and trance channeling—although there are nuances within each.

1. Conscious Channeling

In conscious channeling, the channeler remains aware and alert while communicating with non-physical entities. They act as a translator, receiving impressions, words, or ideas and then conveying them to an audience. While the information flows through them, the channeler remains conscious of their surroundings and aware of what is being said. An example of conscious channeling would be Esther Hicks, who channels the collective consciousness known as Abraham. Hicks is fully awake during her sessions, transmitting Abraham’s teachings about the law of attraction and personal empowerment.

2. Trance Channeling

Trance channelers, on the other hand, enter a deep, altered state of consciousness. In this state, the entity being channeled takes control of the medium’s body and voice to communicate directly. The channeler is often unaware of what is happening during the session and may not remember the communication afterward. Jane Roberts, the channeler for the entity known as Seth, exemplifies this type of channeling. In her deep trance state, Seth spoke through her, delivering messages about the nature of reality, the self, and the universe.

3. Automatic Writing

Another form of channeling involves automatic writing, where the medium’s hand seems to move independently to write down messages. The channeler, in this case, may or may not be conscious of what is being written, as the messages come through from a spiritual source. Some claim that the messages can be from deceased loved ones, guides, or other spiritual entities.

Well Known Channelers and Their Teachings

Throughout history, several channelers have gained attention for their work, often developing large followings. Each has brought a unique perspective, style, and set of teachings that have inspired and influenced people.

Edgar Cayce – The Sleeping Prophet

One of the earliest and most famous modern channelers is Edgar Cayce, often referred to as “The Sleeping Prophet.” Born in 1877, Cayce had the ability to enter a self-induced trance state in which he could tap into a universal source of knowledge. While in this state, he would answer questions about everything from personal health to the future of humanity. Cayce’s readings—of which there are more than 14,000 documented—became famous for their accuracy and insight into topics such as reincarnation, holistic health, and spiritual growth. Although Cayce had no medical background, his information for individuals seeking health remedies, is still used today.

Cayce’s readings often touched on the idea of the Akashic Records, a concept describing a vast, metaphysical library that contains the knowledge of every soul’s past, present, and possible future experiences. Through his channeling, Cayce tapped into these records, offering guidance and predictions that have continued to resonate with people long after his passing in 1945.

Jane Roberts and Seth

In the 1960s, Jane Roberts, a writer and poet, began channeling an entity who asked to be known as Seth. Seth’s teachings, delivered through Roberts in deep trance states, became the foundation for a body of work that has since inspired many people seeking to understand consciousness, reality, and the self. The messages delivered by Seth were groundbreaking for their time, presenting ideas about the power of thought, the nature of reality, and the concept that individuals create their own reality through beliefs and intentions.

Roberts’ work with Seth emphasized that reality is not as solid or fixed as it seems, and that each person has the ability to shape their experience of life. Seth’s teachings, particularly those found in the books Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality, are influential today.

Esther Hicks and Abraham

Esther Hicks is a well-known channeler who delivers messages from a collective consciousness who identifies as Abraham. Unlike Jane Roberts, Hicks remains fully conscious during her channeling sessions—making her a conscious channeler. Abraham’s teachings often focus on the law of attraction emphasizing that individuals have the power to create their desired reality by focusing on positive emotions and thoughts.

Esther Hicks is diligently traveling and helping people, producing books, seminars, and workshops based on Abraham’s teachings. The messages offer useful advice on how to live a joyful, fulfilling life by aligning one’s thoughts and emotions with their desires.

The Role of Channeling Today

Today channeling is gaining a larger following as more people are interested in consciousness, personal spiritual growth, and the concept that individuals can directly access higher wisdom. And I like to emphasize that in quantum physics, consciousness plays a primary part: Take a look at Rupert Sheldrake, Russell Targ, Hal Puthoff, and Dean Radin. In case I’ve prodded your curiosity, I’ll soon be posting an article about these amazing people. Physics has pivoted tremendously since I studied it at Berkeley, decades ago.

For many, channelers like Cayce, Roberts, and Hicks provide a bridge to this valuable world that is difficult for many to access. While some remain skeptical of this practice, others find great value in the wisdom offered by these channelers—and many others that I will be writing about. .

Channelers offer a unique lens through which to explore the mysteries of existence, consciousness, and spiritual growth.