Jane Roberts / Seth

Jane Roberts was born in 1929 in Saratoga Springs, New York. She was one of the first channelers I discovered decades ago, along with Edgar Cayce, which convinced me that there was important information that didn’t fit in with my physics background. Finally, quantum physics now includes multidimensions, nonlocality, and consciousness exploration (see scientists Rupert Sheldrake and Russell Targ for more information).
The Beginning Of Their Spirituality Sessions
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Jane Roberts and her husband, Robert F. Butts, began a journey that positively expanded the world of channeling and spirituality. They started small group sessions in their home of what they initially called “spirit communication” and later came to be known as channeling. During these sessions, Jane would enter a trance-like state and allow an entity named Seth to communicate through her, while her husband carefully wrote the dialog.
Seth described himself as an “energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical reality.” The teachings that emerged through Jane’s channeling sessions with Seth became the foundation for the Seth Material, a series of books that delves into various aspects of reality, consciousness, and the human experience.
Your Thoughts, Beliefs, and Expectations Manifest Your Reality
One of the key tenets of the Seth Material is the idea that a person creates their own reality through their thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. Seth emphasized the power of the mind to shape personal experiences—asserting that each person is the creator of their own circumstances. This concept resonated with people seeking a more profound understanding of the relationship between consciousness and reality.
I like to call this where “Science meets Spirituality”.
In the early years of the channeling sessions, Jane and Robert were the primary audience for Seth’s teachings. However, as the material became more sophisticated and comprehensive, they decided to share it with a wider audience in their home. The first Seth book, “Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul,” was published in 1972. This book marked the beginning of a series that would eventually include titles such as “The Nature of Personal Reality,” “The Unknown Reality,” and “The Seth Material.”
Seth’s teachings cover a broad range of topics, including the nature of time, the purpose of dreams, the existence of parallel realities, and the interconnectedness of consciousness.
One of the central themes is the idea that each person has access to an inner realm of knowledge and creativity, which can be tapped into through expanded states of consciousness. This perspective aligns with various spiritual traditions that emphasize the importance of inner exploration and self-discovery. As this information reached a wider audience they were flooded with letters asking questions and people even showing up at their home, without invitation.
Conscious Creation
Throughout the Seth Material, there is a consistent emphasis on the idea that the physical world is a reflection of the inner self. Seth encouraged people to take responsibility for their thoughts and emotions—as these shape the events and circumstances of their lives. This perspective highlighted the empowering potential of self-awareness and conscious creation.
Jane Roberts and Robert Butts continued to channel Seth for over 20 years until Jane’s death in 1984. The Seth Material, comprising many books and recorded sessions, remains a significant contribution to the field of metaphysics and channeling. It has inspired others on their spiritual journeys in the realms of consciousness and personal development.
Seth’s teachings introduced many concepts, but here are 10 of my favorite messages:
1. You create your own reality
- Seth taught that we are active participants in shaping our lives through our beliefs, emotions, and intentions. He emphasized that reality is not something that just happens to us, but rather a manifestation of our inner thoughts and expectations..
2. The Nature of the Self and the Oversoul
- According to Seth, each person is part of a greater consciousness, often referred to as the oversoul or higher self. This greater self exists beyond physical reality and is a continuous, eternal aspect of the individual. Each lifetime is just one experience among countless others that our higher self undertakes.
3. The Power of Thoughts and Emotions
- Seth emphasized that thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on the physical world. He said that our attitudes, emotions, and mental habits attract experiences that reflect these internal states. Positive or negative thoughts actively shape the events of our lives.
4. The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Existence
- Seth described reality as multi-dimensional, with numerous levels of existence beyond what we perceive in our physical world. He said that our spirit and consciousness exist on multiple planes simultaneously, allowing Beyond 3D experiences, such as dreams, intuition, and reincarnation. Let’s take Seth’s advice and pay more attention to our dreams and intuition.
5. Reincarnation and Simultaneous Time
- Seth’s teachings present time as non-linear, suggesting that past, present, and future lives are not sequential but exist simultaneously. He proposed that our consciousness can access various lifetimes because of this simultaneous time, which adds depth to the idea of reincarnation. I know it’s tough to take time out of our reality, but it does explain some of the recent findings in quantum physics.
6. We Are Eternal Beings
- Seth stated that we are eternal beings undergoing a variety of experiences across lifetimes, but our essence, or soul, continues eternally. Physical death is merely a transition, not an end, and there is no final end to consciousness or existence.
7. Dreams as Bridges to the Inner Self
- Seth described dreams as a means of connecting to our deeper, non-physical self. In dreams, we can access other levels of reality, gain insights from our subconscious, and even encounter other dimensions.
8. Probable Realities and Alternate Selves
- Seth introduced the idea of probable selves and probable realities, suggesting that every decision we make creates a new pathway or reality. There are other versions of ourselves living out different choices and experiences. This idea proposes a multi-dimensional view of life, where all possible outcomes exist simultaneously.
9. The Nature of God or “All That Is”
- Seth referred to a higher intelligence or All That Is, which encompasses all realities and possibilities. He described “All That Is” as the creative source from which all consciousness emerges, and that all beings are expressions of this greater entity.
10. Personal Responsibility and Free Will
- A central part of Seth’s message is the idea of personal responsibility. He said that each person has the freedom to shape their life through their thoughts, emotions, and actions—while also bearing responsibility for the outcomes of their choices. Free will is a cornerstone of personal empowerment and growth.
Seth Material Brought Forward the idea of the Law of Attraction
Seth’s teachings brought forward the belief that we have power over our reality and that understanding our inner self can transform our experience.
Seth’s Teachings Integrate Well with Quantum Physics
Seth explained that everything in existence is essentially made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. It makes me think we should have paid more attention to Nikola Tesla who said, “The universe is energy. Vibrational energy. All energy vibrates. All matter is energy that has slowed down enough so that we can see it and touch it.”
Here are some of my favorite ideas from Seth about vibrations and frequencies:
Vibrational Nature of Reality
- Seth taught that all things, including thoughts, emotions, and physical matter, exist as energy with their own vibrational frequencies. This vibrational essence underpins reality—with each object, person, and thought pattern possessing unique frequencies. I think about this each time I see a murmuration of birds.
Thoughts and Emotions as Vibrational Forces
- Seth explained that thoughts and emotions are not only intangible but also energetic forces with their own frequencies. These frequencies, in turn, affect the surrounding environment and contribute to the formation of physical reality. Positive thoughts have higher vibrational frequencies that attract beneficial experiences, while negative thoughts tend to have lower vibrations, drawing in experiences of a negative quality.
Alignment with Higher Vibrations
- Seth told people to elevate their own vibrational state by aligning with higher frequencies associated with love, creativity, and joy. By doing this people could attract positive experiences and align more closely with their inner self or higher self.
Frequency Matching in Relationships
- In terms of human relationships, Seth suggested that people often attract others who share a similar vibrational frequency. He often said that relationships, friendships, and other interactions occur through a kind of vibrational matching, meaning that people with compatible energies are naturally drawn to each other.
Dreams and Alternate States of Consciousness
- Seth explained that dreams and altered states of consciousness allow us to experience other realities and dimensions, which resonate at different vibrational frequencies than our waking world. During dreams, the mind can access these alternate realities, experiencing forms, places, and beings that exist on higher or different frequencies.
Healing and Frequency Adjustments
- Seth emphasized that we could influence our physical health by shifting our emotional and mental vibrations. He suggested that illness often results from disruptions in our vibrational state, and by tuning into a healthier frequency through positive thought and emotional balance, we can restore harmony and wellness.
Psychic and Intuitive Abilities as Vibration-Based
- Seth said our psychic abilities are basically the ability to tune into frequencies beyond those normally accessible to the senses. By adjusting your mental focus and emotional state, individuals can reach higher frequencies that allow access to intuitive insights, visions, and even communications with non-physical entities—as in channeling.
Energy Centers and Frequency in the Body—Chakras
- While Seth did not use terms like chakras, he discussed energy centers within the body, each associated with particular vibrational frequencies. He encouraged becoming aware of these centers to understand how energy moves through the body. This can improve your emotional, mental, physical health, and spiritual awareness.
Here are a couple of Jane Roberts’ Seth books:
The Seth Material is a collection of spiritual guidance and advice that includes the story of Seth’s early sessions.
The Nature Of Personal Reality is a book that offers practical techniques for solving problems and enriching your life.
In my online courses, I help you discover information that’s important for you to know now, including messages from the channelers I trust to be the best in the world. I also give you scientific information that’s related to these messages—in case your logical left brain, like mine, keeps tapping you on the shoulder, saying “Show me the proof.”